MYC Events & Activity Calendar

  • This calendar shows all Monomoy Yacht Club events and activities, whether held at the Clubhouse or elsewhere.
  • It also shows all use of the MYC Club House, whether for member events, MYC committees, or private reservations.
  • Clicking an entry displays more information.

To reserve the use of the Club House, please go to the

                       Room Reservations page.

(This is for Club meetings or functions, or for member use of the room.)


 See Viewing Tips below the calendar.

Calendar Explanation and Tips


  • This is a single calendar for all MYC Events and Activities (no matter where they take place), plus all use of the MYC Club House (public and private bookings). 
    • The calendar also has several features that we have made use of: 
      • Event categories. See the color-coding legend at the bottom of calendar grid, as well as viewing selectivity.
      • Search the calendar using the Search button at the bottom of the calendar grid.
    • The calendar displays as a month-by-month grid on screens wider than about 700 pixels, and as a list of scheduled events on screens narrower than about 700 pixels (most smartphones in vertical/portrait orientation).
  • The process of booking the Club House for member private use or MYC committee meetings is to use the Use of the Club House web page.
    • However, coordinators of MYC activities (such as BYOBs or other public member events) held at the Club House do not need to separately reserve the room. The activity being listed on this calendar will implicitly make it known that the Club House room is in use. 
    • For MYC committee meetings or private use, the room should be reserved, and the calendar entry will show as much detail as you choose, but in any case the Club House room will be shown as busy.
  • To add this calendar's entries to your own device calendar (eg. phone or tablet), see the instructions  here